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Automotive Communication System(ACS) simplify your MOST Application Development

Various devices connected via MOST® interact with synchronous and asynchronous communication to create an end user experience of a rich and comfortable multimedia and infotainment environment. The devices increase in complexity and apply many consumer electronics technologies to the automotive environment. Often, two or even more embedded CPUs, sometimes of different types and with varying operating systems, are integrated in one device connected via inter-processor communication (IPC). Thus, both communications over field buses and device internal distributed communications are a paramount challenge in such types of embedded automotive devices. CETITEC meets that challenge with the Automotive Communication System to make workflows easier for OEMs as well as suppliers.

Part List

  • Automotive Communication System software component
  • MOST Application Generator (Integra)
  • Detailed user manual
  • Example applications
  • Setup for PC based applications and ACS components for rapid development

Automotive Communication System (ACS)

ACS Example
  • Cetitec Automotive Communication System (ACS) includes a framework for embedded application development and a tool chain increasing the productivity of application developers.
  • ACS provides a comprehensive set of APIs and libraries for easing application development including definitions of MOST specific data types and function classes as well as standard functionality like notification inside a rich C++ class library.
  • ACS MOST Application Generator (Integra) generates dedicated Function Block/s and/or Shadow/s for your application based on the input XML MOST function catalogs.
  • ACS framework architecture allows multiple application processes to participate in MOST communication in a dynamic, scalable and message driven way.
  • ACS architecture allows seamless distribution of applications on multiple CPUs, even driven by different operating systems sharing one physical MOST node.

Product Highlights

  • Enable the application engineer to concentrate on the business logic instead of MOST specific behavior
  • Designed for portability to various operating systems (OS) and integration scenarios available for static and dynamic operating systems including multi-CPU scenarios (in-line and tree-topology supported for interconnection of different CPUs)
  • Enable the application engineer to implement own OEM specific features beside MOST standard
  • Supports multiple instances of physical or virtual MOST networks e.g. for realization of private internal MOST communication like “hidden” Function Blocks
  • Supporting the physical MOST communication by using CETITEC MOST Driver product designed to be seamlessly integrated with ACS
  • Applicable with own IPC implementations on almost any appropriate physical layer (e.g. UART, SPI, USB ... Ethernet)

ACS Benefits

  • Efficient product development and improved quality by integration of generated code and a mature 3rd generation MOST application framework
  • Seamless integration of multiple MOST catalog versions through fully object oriented approach of deriving from generated interfaces (no round-trip-engineering problems)
  • Let your business logic experts instantly apply MOST technology without climbing a steep learning curve on MOST details
  • Let Integra analyze the MOST function catalog and identify weak, incomplete and erroneous definition spots on interfaces
  • Start your development on the PC or experience full functionality of ACS on a reference hardware platform
  • Take advantage of the support and experience of Cetitec as a key supplier of leading edge MOST competence


  • Middleware for message event and MOST related communication
  • Connects with identical API: Applications in different devices (ECUs); Applications in the same device executed on different CPUs; Applications (processes) running on one CPU
  • Local (invisible) communication possible between: Applications on one CPU; Applications in one device
  • Possibility for integration of additional communication protocols
  • Identical interfaces on all supported operating systems (see System Requirements below)
  • External trace viewers available (including payload-disassembly)

System Requirements

ACS System Requirements.
Operating Systems:

  • QNX
  • GHS Integrity
  • Embedded Linux
  • Android
  • OSEK

Integra System Requirements:

  • Windows 10/11
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Microsoft .NET Framework

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